I made the bride's daughter cry

I made the bride's daughter cry

Soooo before you get mad at me, I didn't do anything wrong. While taking photos a waitress yelled at me and afterwards the bride's daughter (9 years old) was absolutely certain this waitress would kick everyone out and cancel the wedding. Here's the story.  

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Business cards and why mine is the best.

Business cards and why mine is the best.

So I posted the design of my new business card and everyone had great feedback on it. I wanted to write about my design choices a bit more and explain myself and not have it get lost within the thread. So here's some of my marketing choices and design choices wrapped up together. This blog has cost me two Venti Cafe Mochas from Starbucks btw.

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Word of mouth marketing

Word of mouth marketing

How do you advertise? I stick to word of mouth and Facebook. Do I make $200k a year, no. But am I shooting weddings and loving what I do. I'll always have people brag to me about how much money they spent on their marketing campaigns, online and print. I don't worry about that right now, for now word of mouth is amazing.

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